How to Install Arch Linux 2020.09 + GNOME Desktop + Apps + VMware Tools on VMware Workstation

 This video tutorial shows how to install Arch Linux 2020.09 with GNOME Desktop on VMware Workstation step by step. We'll install applications such as Firefox, GIMP, VLC media player, LibreOffice and Arch Linux Wallpaper on Arch Linux 2020. We'll also install VMware Tools (Open VM Tools) onArch Linux 2020 for better performance and usability (Fit Guest Now and Drag-Drop File and Mouse Integration). This tutorial also helps for installing Arch Linux on physical computer or laptop.  ArchLinux Website:

This video tutorial shows how to install Arch Linux 2020.09 with GNOME Desktop on VMware Workstation step by step. We'll install applications such as Firefox, GIMP, VLC media player, LibreOffice and Arch Linux Wallpaper on Arch Linux 2020. We'll also install VMware Tools (Open VM Tools) onArch Linux 2020 for better performance and usability (Fit Guest Now and Drag-Drop File and Mouse Integration). This tutorial also helps for installing Arch Linux on physical computer or laptop.

ArchLinux Website:

How to Install Arch Linux 2020.09 + GNOME Desktop + Apps + VMware Tools on VMware Workstation

View Hard Disks
    fdisk -l

Use cfdisk command to create partitions.
    cfdisk /dev/sda

Create 3 Partitions

/dev/sda1 for boot 1GB
/dev/sda2 for swap 4GB

Format Partitions
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
    mkswap /dev/sda2
    swapon /dev/sda2
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

Mount Root Partition
    mount /dev/sda3 /mnt

Create Folders
    mkdir /mnt/boot /mnt/var /mnt/home

Mount Boot Partition
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot

Check Network Connection
    ping -c 3

Sync the pacman repository
    pacman -Syy

Install Arch Linux base system and devel
    pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware nano dhcpcd net-tools grub

Configure the Arch Linux System
    genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
    arch-chroot /mnt

Set the System Language
    nano /etc/locale.gen
    echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf
    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Set Arch Linux Clock and Time Zone
    ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/
    rm -rf /etc/localtime
    ln –s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Amerika/New_York /etc/localtime

    hwclock --systohc --utc

Set Hostname
    echo arch2017 > /etc/hostname

Enable DHCPCD Service (DHCP Client Service)
    systemctl enable dhcpcd.service

Install and Configure openssh
    pacman -Sy openssh
    systemctl enable sshd.service

Set Root Password
    passwd root

Create Additional User
    useradd -m -g users -G wheel -s /bin/bash nikola
Set password for new user
    passwd nikola

Edit /etc/sudoers
    nano /etc/sudoers
        Add nikola under root
            nikola ALL=(ALL) ALL

Install and configure GRUB Boot Loader
    grub-install /dev/sda
    grub-mkconfig –o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

mkinitcpio –p linux

Reboot and login as root
    umount /mnt/boot
    umount /mnt

Check Network Connection
    ping -c 3

Check IP Address
Install xorg and Related Packages
    pacman -Sy xorg #xterm xorg-twm xorg-xinit xorg-server-utils

Install GNOME Desktop
    pacman -Sy gnome gnome-extra

Enable gdm
    systemctl enable gdm.service
    systemctl enable NetworkManager.service

Install Apps
    pacman -Sy firefox vlc gimp libreoffice archlinux-wallpaper

Next we'll install vm tools

Install Prerequisite packages
    pacman -Sy gtkmm

Install Open-VM-Tools
    pacman -Sy open-vm-tools
    pacman -Sy xf86-video-vmware
    pacman -Sy xf86-input-vmmouse

Enable VMware Tools service
    systemctl enable vmtoolsd.service
Reboot System

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