Nintendo Are Planning 25th Anniversary Celebrations For Super Smash Bros.

Hello all, welcome to December, or should I say..


You like gifts? You'll be getting some from in the form of scoops all month as long as part of the holiday season. 

First off, this is actually the first ever Smash Bros. scoop that I've ever shared on my blog. Which is actually hilarious to think about. 

As you fine folks no doubt know, a certain humongous franchise is celebrating it's 25th anniversary in about a month and a half. Nintendo are apparently planning, and to quote the sources here, "Announcements, celebrations and events to commemorate the anniversary of Smash throughout the year." 

The one thing that's already been ruled out is a new game. The next Smash Bros is something that's been planned in some way right now, but that's not gonna be for a bit.  

Now, what it could be? 

Let's speculate. 

Some possibilities:

Smash Bros. Concert Series:

Oh my word, you guys have no idea how hyped this would get me. I would go insane. This would absolutely be the perfect way to celebrate a quarter century of Smash Bros. The Sonic Symphony has been awesome and that's been what's inspired this idea in my head. This is honestly the thing I want the most, not gonna lie. If this actually happens, I'll be there no matter what. 

NSO Release of Smash 64:

This seems pretty likely. Nintendo still hasn't released Smash 64 on NSO as of now, so it's gotta come at some point, right? Unless...

More Ultimate DLC:

Uh, nah. I can't see this one happening. From all accounts, Sakurai and co. wrapped up Smash Ultimate over two years ago and they're not going back. While anything is possible, this feels like the least likely option. The next Smash isn't all that far away, so I don't think this is gonna happen. 

Also, a Rollback patch isn't happening, don't even think about it, LOL. 

Smash Remasters: 

This could totally be a valid possibility. 

Spruced up, HD versions of Smash 64, Melee and Brawl are something that's been rumored in places that, but that's not a rumor I can currently back myself. Nintendo has been remastering a crap ton of GCN/Wii era games lately so it's not impossible. Given that none of those three titles are currently playable on any modern Nintendo systems, I think this is the most likely option here. 

Melee HD would destroy the entire internet as we know it. 

Those are just some possibilities. What do you guys think? We'll see how this goes. 

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