AryaLinux 2017 Installation and Review on VMware

AryaLinux 2017 Installation
AryaLinux 2017 Installation and Review on VMware

This tutorial shows AryaLinux 2017 installation and review on VMware Workstation/Player step by step. This tutorial is also helpful to install AryaLinux on physical computer or laptop hardware. We also install VMware Tools on Arya Linux 2017 for better performance and usability features such as Fit Guest Now, Drag-Drop File and Clipboard Sharing.

AryaLinux 2017 Installation Steps:

  1. Download AryaLinux 2017 ISO
  2. Create Virtual Machine on VMware Workstation/Player
  3. Start AryaLinux Installation
  4. Install VMware Tools
  5. Test VMware Tools Features: Fit Guest Now, Drag-Drop File and Clipboard Sharing
  6. AryaLinux 2017 Review

Installing AryaLinux 2017 and Review on VMware

What is AryaLinux

AryaLinux is a source-based GNU/Linux distribution that has been put together using Linux From Scratch (LFS) as a guide. The AryaLinux distribution uses a source/ports style of package management and a custom package manager called alps. AryaLinux comes in two flavours Mate and XFCE. Apart from the basic Mate Desktop Environment, AryaLinux also comes with applications for Office productivity, simple graphics packages, browser and network utilities and System tools. A lot of packages other than the ones that are shipped by default, can be installed using alps in AryaLinux.
AryaLinux Website:

AryaLinux 2017 New Features and Improvements

AryaLinux 2017 brings about lots of changes in the build scripts and alps, package updates and latest kernel and desktop environments. Also a new set of build scripts that you can use to create your own system from scratch in a single command, resume partial builds and create your distribution in a very easy manner. This is a 64-bit only release. This is a 64 bit only release and would remain like this going forward.

Hope you found this AryaLinux 2017 installation and review tutorial helpful and informative. Please consider sharing it. Your feedback and questions are welcome!

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